AgriPrecise has developed AgIQ, a mobile app enabling smarter farming

Getting to know is b​​etter

AgriPrecise have been Involved in fertilizer and agronomy work for the last 20 years, directly involved in Zimbabwe and Zambia for the last 7 years in numerous crops. Our initial work was to collect and analyse yield, fertilizer and soil data which evolved into various Agricultural IT solutions over the last 8 years. The biggest challenge was to present outputs to growers that would encourage management changes that improve profitability which leads to the present developments.

Our main goal at AgriPrecise is to ensure the sustainability of farming. Our clients can testify to our passion for farming, our work ethics in conducting business and our ethos working with our clients. We have clients in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Ethiopia and we are looking to expand our client base year after year.

Our Services

Agronomy services and consulting:
To give recommendations on soil analysis and fertilizers.

Data analysis:
By analysing data we can have a better knowledge of the performance of your farm, compare multi years data e.g. soil data, yield data, NDVI imagery etc.

Grid soil sampling:
We can assist in taking soil samples or give training on taking soil samples.

Soil classification:
We can assist in supplying soil classification. Maps include climate, geology, soil type, texture, depth, moisture-holding capacity and potential.

NDVI imagery and monitoring:

Data processing:
Includes data like combine yield data.

How It Works

AgIQ automates and simplifies the collection, collation and interpretation of nutrient management data.

AgIQ visually displays a farm's field and soil analyses. From individual fields to largescale farming operations using AgIQ Enterprise.

The app is crop agnostic and can be used for everything from vegetables, seed crops and orchards to tobacco, sugarcane and livestock.


AgIQ is available on Apple iOS and Android devices. Just search for the name AgIQ

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